general chat


↹instructionWO☈D is designed with learning as a focus. The main idea is to have a place to post your code, so others can offer suggestions about improvements or solve issues. If you post some code, others members can make changes to your snippet without affecting your original. Each snippet posted also gets its own chat channel

Below are listed the main units used on ↹instructionWO☈D:



In the right panel, click on the LOAD A SNIPPET button. You'll then be able to select an existing snippet from the list


Log in and make sure you are not viewing any existing snippet. If you are viewing an existing snipper, press the CLEAR button. Enter a title and description then enter the actual text for the snippet. Click SAVE and your snippet will be entered

MAKE AN EDIT: Select the snippet you want to edit. Change the description to inform visitors why you are making an edit. Click SAVE and your edit will be attached to the snippet

MAKE A PROJECT: Create a new snippet and give it the title of the project and a brief description. The snippet text should be a more in depth description of the project. To add a file to the project, just add edits and paste the code for each file as a new edit.